New England Fall Colors Tour...Part 3

Day 4: 
Picking up where we left off, you may remember that in my previous installment we had just finished a grueling and traumatic day on our trip with Mom's fall and the debacle of being on our own in New England at night. 

Saturday morning dawned cold and rainy once again, and after the unpleasant excitement of the previous day, we opted to sit out one day of the tour. Mom as still feeling kind of unsteady and we were both exhausted. So we nestled down for naps and listened to the rain hit against the windows, glad that we were warm and dry and resting.

We did make a quick dash to the Outlet Mall for some shoes for me and a pair of sunglasses for Mom as she was somewhat self-conscious of her black eyes. Shopping in New Hampshire was kind of nice for the fact that they have no sales tax. A marked price of $19.95 is exactly what you will spend! 

That evening we joined our group for supper at a seafood restaurant where we got the commentary of what we missed. This time I couldn't even stomach the beef and just settled for a salad. After supper we returned to our hotel and settled in for a good night's rest in order to be fresh and ready for the next day.

Day 5:
Sunday's tour kicked off with a new bus driver, Shannon who was much calmer than Johnny O. For once the sun was out even though it was cool. We headed north, once again into the White Mountains, where we were supposed to take a boat ride on Squam Lake, the setting for the movie, "On Golden Pond". However, there was a change of plans and we ended up on nearby Lake Winnipasaukee. 

 We boarded what appeared to be a remodeled river boat. As we entered the cabin we encountered a breakfast buffet fit for a king...and we had already eaten breakfast once! But we ate again, and it was delicious. 

After breakfast we went out and sat on the deck as long as we could stand the chill and watched the beautiful scenery. The entire perimeter of the lake was lined with beautiful homes, and I'm assuming most of them were seasonal homes as it would likely be pretty cold and damp there in the wintertime. The entire boat ride lasted about an hour and a half and was very relaxing and enjoyable. It wasn't hard to imagine that it would be even more enjoyable in warmer weather.

After disembarking, we headed to the Kellerhaus, which is German for Keller House. It was a cute little souvenir shop and an ice cream bar. There I purchased a pint of maple syrup to take home to Mike and a trip through the ice cream bar. 

The ice cream bar was wonderful. There must have been 20 or more flavors of ice cream and literally dozens of toppings. You purchased the desired number of ice cream dips and then added all the toppings you wanted. Naturally, my eyes got bigger than my belly and I ate way too much ice cream! But it was so delicious.

After this we meandered back toward Merrimack through the New Hampshire countryside, taking in the fall colors and the beautiful scenery. It turned out to be a very relaxing day, and exactly what the doctor ordered after the ordeal of the previous couple days!

That evening we were supposed to meet up with our tour for supper, but after the hotel breakfast, the breakfast buffet on the boat and the overabundance of ice cream, we opted to sit out for supper. So, once again, off to bed and ready for another day.


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