2019...Day 2

I have all sorts of goals for my retirement, and one of those goals is to be a faithful blogger. I hate it when people start something and then just drop it...but that's exactly what I did. Actually I just got busy but I'm not sure that's the most valid excuse. We are all busy and still can find the time to do the things we feel are most important.

In the last half of 2018 we attended several shoots, each occupying an entire weekend except the shoot in Valentine which our club hosted, and that took a weekend and a couple days before plus recuperation time into the following week! 

Our family gathered at our house here in Springview for a Labor Day reunion. We were only minus one family and a couple of great-grandsons. That was a houseful but the weather was beautiful and made it easy to gather outside when the house got too full.

In mid-October my mother and I embarked on our New England trip. That will be another several posts, but for now I will say that it was a very fun and interesting trip. It's honestly the furthest I have ever been from home and found myself in a bit of a different culture. It sure made me appreciate the good old Midwest!

One of the many awesome pictures of our New England Fall Colors Tour that I will share

In November I came down with a mysterious and painful rash that was diagnosed as shingles. I had always regarded shingles as "no big deal, just a skin rash". Boy was I wrong! It laid me out for two weeks when I didn't even work and another month of pain and irritation. I am still feeling the effects of it, but at least my energy levels are returning to normal and I can sleep at night...after the creepy crawlies settle down.

Sadly Christmas just happened around me. I didn't get up a tree or do any shopping. I cooked one soup supper for one celebration, and the rest of everything was someone else's doings. I am hoping to be in a position to do better next year.

So, while this is kind of a rambling muse, I will be back much more faithfully now that my time is more my own. I had promised to share my travels, and now I have a New England Fall Colors trip to share about. I am going to be spending more time in the kitchen so I will probably share some of my successful recipes on here...who doesn't like a tried and true recipe from someone with local tastes? And I'm sure life will inspire a few tales.

So today is day two of 2019, and I hope that you are already enjoying some of the blessings of a new year. It's a blank slate ready for a new story so go spin a yarn and make it the best one yet.


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