Retirement...week 2
I have just finished the second week of retirement...and I have been busy, almost busier than I would have been at the office. I have been wondering how I found time to go to work, but the answer is clear--I just left everything undone here at home.
The first week I spent cleaning out some places in the house that have really been bugging me, mostly some cupboards that were full of something but I was not sure exactly what. So I cleaned out what was not being used and filled it with stuff that we needed to keep, and now I kind of like those cupboards. There is still that pesky "container" cupboard, you know, the one where you keep all the plastic storage ware with all the containers and the lids that never seem to match the containers! And the one I avoid trying to fit anything more into even though containers and lids are piled all over the counter. Pretty sure the trash will need to go out following the completion of that project!
I got reacquainted with a dust rag earlier this week. It was slow going with interruptions and the necessary uncluttering of the surface that needed to happen before I could dust, but the results were nothing short of fabulous! I actually did this over a period of about 4 days so I was able to admire each step as I went. I also unearthed a few items that I hadn't been able to find.
I have been working on routines around the house and setting up a
schedule of chores. That has a ways to go but the floors are being swept and dusted more regularly and laundry is happening a bit each day rather than the weekend marathon that we've become accustomed to. Since my dishwasher conked out last fall, dishes have become a never-ending pile, but I am now washing dishes at least twice a day. It's a sure thing that our house will never be featured in Better Homes and Gardens, but we are happier with the cleanliness of the house.
I had anticipated retirement and dreamed about the things I could do when I wasn't spending my time at the office, but the opportunities were so much more than I dreamed. For one thing, I can now get to the library since I'm not working during those hours, and I have the time to read a book or two also. So I went to the library and our local librarian, Marge, made a recommendation and I was on my way with a new book to read.
I was also called upon to help Heather transport a vehicle to Ainsworth to the body shop by supplying a ride home for her. It was kind of a spur of the moment adventure that gave Heather and I a chance to visit...and the dogs an outing.
I needed to shop for groceries, and just happened to remember that the grocery store is open at other times than from 5:00 to 6:00 pm...the only time I could ever make it. So on Thursday morning I headed off to the store, list in hand, to purchase my week's groceries. I have always said that by shopping at our local grocery store I could buy a week's groceries in 15 minutes, but that is apparently true only if you shop after 5:00. The morning grocery store crowd (and I was surprised at how many people were there) is a lot more relaxed and likes to visit as they shop. It easily took me twice as long to shop, but I visited with 3 or 4 other people while I was there and even set up a social engagement with another shopper. I believe shopping has gone from being a chore to being a social outing!
With two weeks left until we leave for Arizona, I will need to abandon the decluttering project and begin the packing project. When you travel by camper, "packing" is a bit different than packing for most trips. We don't pack in bags or suitcases, we pack it in the camper which involves carrying it out there and finding a good place for it to be stored. There are the clothes, most of which will be last minute items, although I am thinking that my flip-flops and shorts can go out there anytime! There are the dishes, and like the clothes, some of them have to remain in the house until the last minute. Mike will not part with a single cast-iron skillet until the last meal in the house is cooked! For the most part, we will not be packing a lot of food. It is hard to transport most of it the long distance, and rumor has it that Arizona has supermarkets where we can buy food.
We had to make a few first-time purchases, a solar panel to charge batteries, a small gas grill for cooking outdoors, and a decent mattress for the camper plus the bedding for it. The other necessary purchase that we made a couple months ago was an updated atlas. I know we all have GPS on our phones, and we will use that also, but sometimes you just need a physical map. We met with our friends Rich and Marla, who have traveled to Arizona on numerous occasions, and plotted a course for our travels.
We are excited to get going. We have friends who are awaiting our arrival on the other end of the trip and are excited to show us around. We feel like a couple of kids two weeks before Christmas in that we can barely contain our excitement for the trip.
So here's to our happy retirement. It might not be for everybody, but it's perfect for us!
The first week I spent cleaning out some places in the house that have really been bugging me, mostly some cupboards that were full of something but I was not sure exactly what. So I cleaned out what was not being used and filled it with stuff that we needed to keep, and now I kind of like those cupboards. There is still that pesky "container" cupboard, you know, the one where you keep all the plastic storage ware with all the containers and the lids that never seem to match the containers! And the one I avoid trying to fit anything more into even though containers and lids are piled all over the counter. Pretty sure the trash will need to go out following the completion of that project!
I got reacquainted with a dust rag earlier this week. It was slow going with interruptions and the necessary uncluttering of the surface that needed to happen before I could dust, but the results were nothing short of fabulous! I actually did this over a period of about 4 days so I was able to admire each step as I went. I also unearthed a few items that I hadn't been able to find.
I have been working on routines around the house and setting up a
schedule of chores. That has a ways to go but the floors are being swept and dusted more regularly and laundry is happening a bit each day rather than the weekend marathon that we've become accustomed to. Since my dishwasher conked out last fall, dishes have become a never-ending pile, but I am now washing dishes at least twice a day. It's a sure thing that our house will never be featured in Better Homes and Gardens, but we are happier with the cleanliness of the house.

I was also called upon to help Heather transport a vehicle to Ainsworth to the body shop by supplying a ride home for her. It was kind of a spur of the moment adventure that gave Heather and I a chance to visit...and the dogs an outing.

With two weeks left until we leave for Arizona, I will need to abandon the decluttering project and begin the packing project. When you travel by camper, "packing" is a bit different than packing for most trips. We don't pack in bags or suitcases, we pack it in the camper which involves carrying it out there and finding a good place for it to be stored. There are the clothes, most of which will be last minute items, although I am thinking that my flip-flops and shorts can go out there anytime! There are the dishes, and like the clothes, some of them have to remain in the house until the last minute. Mike will not part with a single cast-iron skillet until the last meal in the house is cooked! For the most part, we will not be packing a lot of food. It is hard to transport most of it the long distance, and rumor has it that Arizona has supermarkets where we can buy food.
We had to make a few first-time purchases, a solar panel to charge batteries, a small gas grill for cooking outdoors, and a decent mattress for the camper plus the bedding for it. The other necessary purchase that we made a couple months ago was an updated atlas. I know we all have GPS on our phones, and we will use that also, but sometimes you just need a physical map. We met with our friends Rich and Marla, who have traveled to Arizona on numerous occasions, and plotted a course for our travels.
We are excited to get going. We have friends who are awaiting our arrival on the other end of the trip and are excited to show us around. We feel like a couple of kids two weeks before Christmas in that we can barely contain our excitement for the trip.
Congrats on your retirement. You are a good writer...looking forward to reading more from you!