2019...Almost a Wrap

Well Christmas 2019 is in the books, and we are almost ready to step through time into 2020! Since I failed, once again, to get Christmas cards out, I will take this means to recap the year and extend our holiday wishes to all our friends. 2019 began with a huge change as I retired at that time. Looking back now I realize it was a bit like stepping off into thin air. I had been at my job for over 20 years with all the security that afforded me, and now that security blanket was gone. But it was also freeing to realize that I didn't need to be at work tomorrow. We saw a dream come true when we left the cold and snow of Nebraska for sunny Arizona at the end of January. If you kept up with my Facebook group from that time, you know how that went. If you didn't, rest assured it was all we had imagined and more. We bummed around on the Arizona desert for two months, managing to miss the worst winter Nebraska had seen for many years and all the subsequent flooding. We embarke...