Pinterest Overload

Pinterest..the idea website!  Back in the "olden days" you had to strain your brain to come  up with creative ideas, now you go to Pinterest to find inspiration.

If you are not familiar with Pinterest, let me explain.  Say you want an idea for a crocheted baby afghan (a recent search of mine).  You can log on to Pinterest and type in a search term "crocheted baby afghan" and 1000+ webpages with patterns will show up for you to scroll through.  You can then "pin" the pages you find to one of your "boards" which you have labeled according to category, such as recipes, household tips, afghan patterns, etc. This allows you to store all the ideas you came up with in one place where you can find it again easily.

It also allows other people to "follow" you and for you to "follow" other Pinterest users so that you can gain access to their ideas and pins.

I signed up for a Pinterest account about 5 years ago, and in all that time I created a half dozen boards with approximately 300 pins, most of them under the Thomas Kinkade
One of the 250 Thomas Kinkade pictures I have saved
for enjoyable viewing
board where I saved pictures of his art. Then 2017 hit and I suddenly began to research ideas for woodworking projects. It had been a long time since I had checked into Pinterest, and I noticed that the number of ideas had increased to a point where I actually got plenty of pins to post.

Although I haven't proven this theory, I'm pretty sure there is no topic that cannot be covered in Pinterest. In looking at other's pins I see a lot of ingenuity in the things they have gained ideas about and the way they organize their pins. Recipes, household tips, any hobby you can imagine, income opportunities, nothing is too sacred for Pinterest.  

I am now up to 613 pins on 14 different boards.  In the world of Pinterest, this is pretty small.  I have seen users who have 20-30 boards with 20,000+ pins. The nice thing about this is that I can check on their boards to see what they are saving and pin what I like to my account. (Got an awesome recipe from one user's board the other day). I have certain people that I like to check because they are saving ideas for many of the same things I am interested in.

One thing that has promoted the use of Pinterest for me is the fact that it is an app on my smart phone. A random computer somewhere in the world reviews others' posts and recommends them for me based on what I have been saving. That's good for at least 20 pins per day. It also consumes a minimum of 30 minutes per day scrolling through my choices.

The inspiration for a similar project

Saving pins in Pinterest is kind of like buying exercise equipment. You have to use them for it to be beneficial. I have hundreds of pins under Money-Making Ideas which I have never wonder I'm not getting any richer!  In my defense, I have made two of the wood-working projects I saved pins for, using another's ideas as a spring board for my own creation.  

A spring board for inspiration

So here's my word of encouragement:  Check out Pinterest and see what's there.  If you like to cook, you can find recipes for every type of diet known to mankind. If you enjoy sewing or crafts, the sky's the limit. If you enjoy reading and art, you never know what you might find or how it might inspire you.  We can all be more creative when we can come up with an idea!


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