Getting the Lead Out!

Well it's Monday morning.  After a busy and hectic weekend of shooting in Valentine, we are attempting to return our lives to the normal routine.  Time to throw off all the indiscretions of the past weekend (those scotcheroos just taunted me all weekend) and get some good habits back in force.

A couple weeks ago my sister Patsy sent an invitation to join the Nebraska 150 Challenge.  The goal is to log 150 miles of activity (walking, jogging, running, biking, kayaking, etc.) this year in honor of Nebraska's 150th birthday.  Truthfully for anyone with an ounce of dedication, this is not a high goal. Governor Pete Rickets has already more than tripled his goal, and it's only early February!  So far our team has only picked up three committed members (but would accept more) and have logged 28 miles of activity in the last two weeks. In our defense, the weather has not been ideal for getting outside to walk with all the snow and ice around.

My knees just won't stand up to the pavement pounding associated with walking, jogging or running (like running is even an option!), so I have chosen to log my miles on a recumbent cycle.  It takes the pressure off my knees, and I can do this rain, snow or shine.  Somehow, this is just not something that is drawing me to it. That bicycle is sitting in my front porch mocking me every time I walk by it!

I have struggled with exercise and activity all my life.  About 15 years ago I finally got started walking and stayed with that for a year or two, then gave that up for some reason I can't even remember now.  I have videos to watch and exercise along to...somewhere.  I have an ab roller to strengthen my abdominal muscles and exercise bands to help with resistance training.  Unfortunately to reap the benefits, you have to use them.  I had a treadmill, but I used it so infrequently that I had to unload the stuff off it before I could use it, and that was additional discouragement.  We have two dogs that love to go for walks, and I thought that would motivate me, but it hasn't.  I once took a dancercise class and enjoyed it but never got going with it on my own.  A few years ago there was a Zumba class in town, but Teri went a few times and was pretty sure I could never keep up with the tempo or the moves...and I'm pretty sure she was correct.  I have been a part of different competitions concerning diet and exercise habits organized by my sister Connie, and I actually didn't do too badly but as soon as the contest was over, I gave it up.

I occasionally make a list of benefits I could gain by exercise as a means to motivate myself.  It would aid in weight loss, something I am always fighting a losing battle with.  It will increase energy levels, another plus for me.  It will limber up those joints and muscles, something we all need as we get older.  The aerobic benefits will bring about overall health to the heart and circulatory system and increase a sluggish metabolism. And let's not forget the mood-elevating benefits of exercise. Or the fact that it can firm up flabby muscles...which alone should motivate me to do something for myself.

I have a habit of waiting until I am desperate before taking a care to God in prayer.  Why do I do that? God should be our first option!  So, late to the game, I am asking God to make me more committed to exercise and right eating.  I could ask for a lot more, and God would probably hear and answer, but both God and I know that I can only handle so much at a time.

So, now I have gone public with my commitment and you are all my witnesses.  I am committing myself to eating according to the plan.  Mike will keep me honest on that one.  I am also committing myself to 10 miles of bicycling per week, which is a pretty lame goal, along with some time with those resistance bands to build some muscle and tone up some flabby spots, which is pretty much my whole body!  Spring is on it's way (in a couple of months) and I would like to see some improvement by then.

Our nation as a whole has gotten very sedentary and consequently very out of shape and obese.  Our lifestyles don't lend themselves to physical fitness as we seldom walk anywhere or do manual labor to survive.  Our ancestors probably had better physical conditions due to the fact that they chopped wood and pitched hay and walked places and did so much more manual labor.  These modern day labor-saving devices are wonderful, but they have their downside, we have become lazy and sedentary.  My job offers no physical challenges, except that it's a struggle to walk up the stairs!  I can sit for 2-3 hours at a time without getting up.  Then when I get up I can hardly walk!  We drive everywhere, and the only exercise I get there is crawling up into our 4-wheel drive pickup.  And I have a feeling there are many of my readers who can relate to this.

So, if you see me out and around, and think of it, ask me how the exercise is going.  It will keep me accountable...and I won't be able to lie to you about it with a straight face!  Hopefully by the time the weather gets warm, the snow and ice melt and the streets dry out, I will meet you out for a walk. Hope to see you on the track!


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