Snowy Days and Fridays

I have lived in Nebraska all of my life, so the weather shouldn't really be holding any surprises for me.  I have lived through (though not necessarily enjoyed) droughts, wildfires, hurricane-force winds, rain of Biblical proportions, 110+ temps, subzero temps for days upon days, and enough snow to satisfy me and then some.  I even lived through a tornado when I was a kid. On a positive note, I have also enjoyed some beautiful days with the warm sun shining upon my life and making me happy from the inside out.

The snows from the last month are not record-breaking blizzards by any stretch.  We've probably totaled less than 20", which for Nebraska is not anything to write home about.  And now that we don't have livestock to tend or cows to milk, we should be able to sit inside and enjoy the snow, right? NOT!

Living in town right across the street from my work makes it hard to have a snow day...although during the storm a month ago I found it impossible to walk to work.  I started down the drive way but only made it about 10 feet before I decided that it was impossible for an old woman with achy knees to step through 18 inches of snow that drifted in that unhandy spot.  Mike was watching from the door and apparently came to the same conclusion and held the door open for me so I could waddle back into the house. The kind efforts of a neighbor with a snowblower and Mike's 4-wheel drive pickup finally got me there!  

So, this morning we declared a late start, 9:00.  Since then I have caught up every piece of work that needed to be done, checked Facebook at regular 20-minute intervals, checked out the news, saved dozens of pins to my Pinterest account, and wished I was at the wood shop working on a project rather than sitting here doing nothing. And it's still an hour until closing time!

So here is my rant...if it's going to snow it should snow enough that there's no possibility that I should have to be at work.  We either get enough snow to close down all business, or we enjoy beautiful days where we can all get out and take part in life.

25 days until spring officially begins!  Can't wait!!!


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