Catching Up

I am flattered! Someone actually wants to hear from me. I see I haven't posted in more than two months, my bad!, so my sister messaged me with a request to "get to blogging"! 

Verbal conversations are not my forte. I do OK one on one, but within a group, I am a flop at conversation. First of all, I am not a fast conversationalist. I tend to think about my words, which is not a bad trait, but by the time I have figured out that I might have something to share that won't offend anyone, the conversation has moved on to another topic. And then, if I do say something, my voice tends to be quiet and doesn't carry well, so most times no one even hears what I have to say. Good thing I am a good listener!

But I have the floor when I am writing! I can ponder my words and everyone can read or not, whichever they choose. So blogging is for sure my best mode of communication. The biggest problem in the last year and a half is that I am at home and not where the action is so I have less to say than I used to. I was socially distancing before it was cool...or mandatory.

On that subject, on the way home from church last Sunday, Mike and I were talking and several names came across the conversation. Three different times I wondered if the person we were talking about was even around these days since I hadn't seen them in a very long time. After the third comment to this effect, we decided maybe I'm the one who isn't around much. It's easier to stay home and just get busy with a project here rather than get out and about, so that's why I've become asocial.

So what have I been doing? I see in my last blog that we were in the midst of cleaning the garage. We filled one dumpster with unnecessary junk from the garage, stuff that we no longer need, was broken or obsolete, or never should have kept in the first place. I can't believe how easy it is to get out of a vehicle when you don't have to squeeze around stuff. It felt so good to get that job done that we launched right into the cleaning of the basement. Same thing...stuff we didn't need or want just went into another dumpster so we are now two dumpsters lighter around here.

When we came home from Arizona we unloaded the camper and over the course of a couple weeks, we put most of it away but some stuff just landed in the spare bedroom to be dealt with later. Well later arrived when overnight company arrived so I had to unload the bed and clear a path around it. I cheated and put some of it in the closet  (which is still there) and moved some of it to the office. In my defense I also put some of it away properly. 

And now that office. It has been a catch all for several years, so much so that it looked like a scene from "Hoarders", and I'm not exaggerating! I have been working on it for a month and have unearthed some treasures, some embarrassing situations, and a whole bunch of trash. I have taken at least 3 armloads of stuff out of there to the dumpster each week...and it's still got stuff that needs to go. I found the box of personal things I brought home from the office when I retired, paperwork that dated back to 2012, and enough paper, both printed and plain, to pave a path to the west coast. I've put some mileage on that shredder! I discovered my scrapbooking project buried under several other projects. Only this week has it become obvious that progress is being made. I am encouraged to continue.

But life hasn't been completely cleaning. I have also lined up several handwork projects. I am in the process of crocheting baby blankets for each great grandchild. I have four great grandsons, and they each received a blanket when they were born, but now I am working on future great grandchildren, presuming there will more. The grandkids came slow for a few years, then they came 2-3 a year for a time, then sputtered to a stop about 8 1/2 years ago. I'm thinking the great grandkids might do the same thing exponentially, and I will be behind in a hurry. So I'm working ahead. Grandma's knitted dishrags are becoming a family staple so working on a few of them in the evenings has been fun. 

Mike has been working on a project at the wood shop that is a two person job so I've been helping over there. I also have a couple projects I want to do for myself in that line as soon as we can finish the current project. 

Well this kind of catches everyone up and tells you my life isn't real exciting. But I'm not complaining. I had a lot of years of raising kids along with the accompanying chaos plus 20 years working full time in a high stress job, so getting up in the morning and facing dishes and housework doesn't seem all that bad. It doesn't take much to excite us these days.

I do have thoughts to share and will try to be one here a little more regularly. Thanks to everyone who reads what I write and comments. 


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