Life is Full of Embarrassing Moments

I always admire people who are always collected and poised no matter what the situation. They always have the right words to say at the right time, and they can carry a conversation with the best. They are graceful and coordinated and in top form in all situations.

Mostly I admire them because I am not one of them and can't figure out how to get to be one of them. I find myself tongue-tied, or worse yet saying the wrong things at the wrong time. I have never been coordinated, and time isn't improving that quality. So very many times I find myself in embarrassing situations and wishing I could just drop through the floor. Some of us just have the knack!

However, the most embarrassing moment I have ever had occurred without an audience. Yes, it is possible to be embarrassed when no one else sees what you just did!

This particular incident took place many years ago while we were still living on the ranch and milking about 80 head of Holsteins. It was hard work and many nights found me falling into bed, asleep before I hit the pillow. That meant that preparing for bed involved scooping off my clothes into a pile and finding something that would suffice for sleepwear. 

The next morning we awoke very early so that we could be done milking before the kids had to be driven to school.  (This must have been many, many years ago because Heather has been driving since she was 15!) So I usually ended up rushing to the house and changing out of my dirty milk clothes into something more presentable to go to town in. 

I was apparently extra tired one night and extra hurried the next morning because I obviously didn't pay attention to what I was putting on, it was just the jeans from the day before still laying on the floor where I dropped them the night before. We headed off to town where I dropped the kids off at school and ran several errands to the Springview Implement, the post office, and finally to the grocery store. 

Fortunately, our local grocery store wasn't overly busy first thing in the morning.  In fact, I suspect I was the first customer of the day. I headed down the first aisle and then realized that ketchup was on my list and I had already passed it. So I turned around to retrace my steps down the aisle. It was odd to find something laying on the floor in the aisle when I had just walked by there. As I approached the item on the floor I was horrified to see that it was the pair of panties I had worn the day before!!!!!  I've never been fast, but I'm pretty sure I was pretty fast that morning as I scooped them up and put them in my coat pocket. They had apparently been scooped off along with the jeans, and when I put the jeans on the underwear worked their way down my pant leg and out the bottom of my pants!

I was so embarrassed at this, and then I was more embarrassed to think of how embarrassing it would have been if someone else had found them. Actually, if I hadn't been the one to find them, I would have denied any knowledge of them and sacrificed a pair of panties to save face. And fortunately, our local store didn't have security cameras to see what had happened. I found it hard to be composed as I finished my shopping and checked out. I just wanted to get home and get those panties where they belonged before something else happened to embarrass me. 

So this very embarrassing moment has taught me one thing that has kept me from ever being that embarrassed again: I always take each item of clothing off individually and put the things I don't intend to wear the next day in the dirty clothes. Probably most people do it this way anyway, it just makes sense. And it makes sense to me now too!

I have had other embarrassing moments when I've slipped and fallen or stuck my foot in my mouth or did a stupid thing in front of an audience, but nothing will ever match the embarrassment of finding my undies on the floor of the grocery store!


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