Advice From the Trenches

I always envy people who can talk to anyone at any time about anything . I am married to an extrovert who could strike up a conversation with a fence post. I like to attach myself to his side in a group of people so that I can join the conversation that he works well for me. I am always better with the written word than the oral conversation because it gives me a chance to rethink what I just "said" and I can edit it to say exactly what I meant to say. (Sometimes there is a serious disconnect between my brain and my mouth!) However, there are times when it is hard to figure out what to write also. I come up short of interesting topics to share. So I went on Pinterest (my go-to site for ideas) to investigate blogging topics. There are all kinds of topics that make interesting blogs, trouble is you need to be fairly knowledgeable about a topic to blog on it. I am discovering that I know a little bit about a lot of things, but not a great lot about anything. Jack ...