Showing Off My Finished Project

There are two kinds of people in the world...those who gain satisfaction just living day to day with whatever they get done and those, like me, whose satisfaction comes from productivity. My mother was the first type of person who didn't feel she had to conquer the entire world to consider herself worthy. My dad considered it a wasted day if he couldn't point to a pile of completed projects to make his day feel worthwhile. When he became too frail to go to the woodshop and create some wooden masterpiece, this was the beginning of the end for him. We came home from Arizona this year with a list of things I wanted to accomplish this summer...clean up that cluttered corner of the backyard, fix the clothesline so I could use it, get new trim on the house, paint the woodshop, paint the living/dining room in the house. I got virtually none of those things done, although family is arriving tomorrow to help me with the painting in the house. The rest of the list will probably just sit ...