Happy New Year...2021!

Best wishes from the McCoy's for a great 2021!

It's tempting to get negative about the new year...and even more negative about the past year...but that doesn't seem like the best attitude to go into a fresh year with. So let's be positive. Of course, being positive will require that I don't watch the news or enter into political discussions or Covid 19 debates, but that is doable. 

Traditionally I make New Year's resolutions at this time. You know, lose weight, get organized, get rich! And by mid-January I have lost sight of my plan and am now eating everything in sight, living in chaos and spending money like a drunk sailor. I am getting smarter about these things. Weight comes and goes with me all the time so, of course, I will lose weight, but will also gain weight so my net loss at the end of the year will likely be 0 lbs. Getting organized just simply is not in my genes. And apparently neither is money sense!

However, I'm thinking I could do a bit better in many areas. Most of you probably know that my mother just recently passed away. I was given the privilege of writing her obituary, along with input from other family members, and it caused me to reflect deeply on her life. I realize that in her life is the model for my self-improvement plan. 

She never really lost weight (until she got sick) because she never was overweight and needed to lose weight, so no inspiration in that area. As I moved about her house trying to make meals or do things, I realize I am already as organized as she was...so definitely not in the genes! And I doubt that my mother ever made much money in her life, even though she was well enough off, because she came from an era where women tended to stay home and care for the house and children so the husband could go out and make a living. 

However, there is lots of inspiration to draw from in her life, and since today is traditionally a day for reflection and making changes, I can find many things to improve upon. One area is in her dedication to prayer. This tiny little woman moved mountains with her prayers! Because of her prayers, her husband and children have come to know Jesus. And through the trickle down effect, many of her grandchildren and great grandchildren also serve Christ. I am feeling a call to carry on her legacy of prayer and to see the same results in our family. We all have mountains that need moving, and this is the best way to do it.

My mother was extremely soft-spoken. Not only the sound of her voice but in the things that she said. I am also soft-spoken volume-wise, but the things I say are often harsh and judgmental. I'm not saying my judgments aren't accurate, but it's more the attitude of self-righteousness that goes with it that becomes the problem. (I carry a few of my dad's genes as well!) So one of my prayers needs to be for eyes that see as Jesus sees. And a heart that loves as Jesus loves. Now there's a lifetime commitment to improvement!

My mother always carried an air of peace about her. I'm not saying she never stressed over situations or felt upset about things in life...but I think Fox News was the cause of much of that! But by and large, she was at peace with her world. When she walked into a room she brought with her a calm that was almost contagious. She veered away from people who destroyed her peace, which had to help her maintain her peacefulness. So in this I find wisdom to also seek out people who contribute to my spirit of peace. 

I could go on and on with this thinking, and maybe next year I will revisit my reflections on Mom's life and implement some more improvements. However, these three things, commitment to prayer, a non-judgmental attitude, and seeking peace will be more than enough to work on for this year. 

2020 started on a fine note, then went south a few months in...and never seemed to recover. I'm hoping 2021, which is starting on an unsettled note, will straighten up in the coming months and that it will be the great year we need. So here's wishing you all the very best in the new year.


  1. Sandi - what a thoughtful blog. And a sweet tribute to your mom. I could picture her through your words. Yes, we need to carry on being prayer warriors as both our moms were!


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