
 With the exception of a very short walk outside on Sunday, I have been confined to the house since last Thursday. I do not feel terrible, as some have, but am still tired and listless and stuffy. If I knew this wasn't Covid I would just buck up and power through. I hear sometimes this can turn unexpectedly serious and would like to avoid that fate if I could. And I don't want to spread it to anyone else. So I am on Covid vacation until all symptoms disappear!

Honestly, it's almost a relief to have finally contracted this demon so I can get it over with. It's been hanging over everyone's head for 8 months now, with no end in sight. I am thankful to only have a mild case and wish everyone could be so fortunate. Being confined gives me time and opportunity to pray for those who are so very sick with it.

I have endeavored to turn this into a vacation for myself by only doing the things we need done to survive. It has taken me two days to do two loads of laundry! And I have cooked basic meals plus kept up with the clean up of that. Otherwise, what have I been up to?

There is now a permanent butt dent in the couch from spending a lot of my day slouched on the couch. By my side is a glass of whatever I am drinking at the moment. No snacks since my lack of taste and smell are taking all the pleasure out of eating. I only eat to fill the empty space...a first for me!

I mentioned in a previous blog crocheting hot pads...that collection has grown impressively. My stash of yarn hardly notices what I've used, I had so much of it. I scoped out a couple more patterns yesterday so I will tackle something a bit different today. I have no idea what I will do with all these hot pads, probably give them away to anyone who would want them. They would be good for sitting that steamy plate of turkey or a big pot of mashed potatoes on at holiday feasts.

Last winter we got a new TV and all I've really ever watched on it is Hulu, which we subscribe to. I noticed there were other options so decided to look into them. Many of them are subscription channels, but a few of the are free access. I found a channel call HGTV Go, which airs past episodes of HGTV programs. That will keep me occupied for a long time. I am currently watching Bargain Mansions. It's kind of like Rehab Addict, except that this takes place in Kansas City rather than Minneapolis, and Tamara Day has a lot cleaner mouth than Nicole Curtis! So I am busily rehabbing mansions.

So that's about it for what's happening around here. Mike is running in and out, feeling fine, so I have lots of alone time, something I don't really mind. I am still not watching news, or even checking on the status of Trump vs. Biden, or checking to see where Covid is currently spiking. Some things I'm just happier not knowing about, especially if I am alone with my thoughts. I scroll rapidly through Facebook looking for news of friends and family so that I can feel a connection. Occasionally one of the kids will text to be sure I'm still their mother, and I'm always glad to report that I'm still around. 

So, since it's the season of Thanksgiving (and when shouldn't it be?) I am thankful to have only had a mild case of Covid. And for once I am thankful to be an introvert who enjoys lots of alone time...because I am certainly getting it. 

Stay well, everyone! 

PS. Let me know if you need hot pads.



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