
With the exception of a very short walk outside on Sunday, I have been confined to the house since last Thursday. I do not feel terrible, as some have, but am still tired and listless and stuffy. If I knew this wasn't Covid I would just buck up and power through. I hear sometimes this can turn unexpectedly serious and would like to avoid that fate if I could. And I don't want to spread it to anyone else. So I am on Covid vacation until all symptoms disappear! Honestly, it's almost a relief to have finally contracted this demon so I can get it over with. It's been hanging over everyone's head for 8 months now, with no end in sight. I am thankful to only have a mild case and wish everyone could be so fortunate. Being confined gives me time and opportunity to pray for those who are so very sick with it. I have endeavored to turn this into a vacation for myself by only doing the things we need done to survive. It has taken me two days to do two loads of laundry! And I...