2020...not what we expected!

I have never, even in my wildest sci-fi dreams, imagined that we would be in the shape we are today...quarantined from the rest of the world due to the Coronavirus. We are feeling fine, but since we just recently came from a very populous area and traveled through 6 states coming home, we feel, and it is recommended, that we need to self-quarantine for two weeks after traveling.

Social distancing seems to be the general state of the country these days. What are all of you doing with the time you have alone? We are managing to keep ourselves busy and amused, but look forward to the days when we can get out and among people.

We can be thankful for many things in all this. For starters, it's the electronic age. Even though we can't be in each other's physical presence, we can call, text, Skype, email, Facetime, and probably a whole bunch of stuff I've never heard of or know how to do. There are virtual everythings, and we can even take a trip virtually. We have been to church three weeks in a row without even getting out of our jammies! 

There are a few inconveniences involved in all this, however. In Arizona we just braved the crowds at the store and used lots of hand sanitizer. The stores were using precautionary measures, and we just got our stuff and left as fast as possible. Since coming home, and since we have to be quarantined, Heather has been doing my shopping. We've appreciated it and have to admit that it cuts down on impulse purchases. She just gets the stuff on our list, although she made a gift of asparagus to us today, something I didn't realize the store had. The Turbine Mart has give us curb service a couple times when we "just had to have" Diet Coke or take out pizza! Small towns are special in that way.

Facebook has been entertaining as people have put their talents to use to remake songs and post them for all of us to enjoy. However, we don't have that kind of talents so we are using the time to catch up on some projects. On our trip to Arizona we made a list of things we wanted to get done when we got home. The first thing on our list is now half done, the garage cleaning project. We got the main garage cleaned but there is an attic full of stuff that needs to be gone through. While the first two days were beautiful weather, we are now having a short blast of winter (like we didn't know that would happen!), so are resting for a day or two before we resume. Plus we are awaiting a dumpster since that's the kind of a cleaning project this is. We joke that we will always be able to remember when we last cleaned the garage (since it so seldom gets done), 2020 during the Coronavirus epidemic.

While in Arizona I didn't have the means to do a lot of baking, but now that I am at home in my "huge" kitchen with a full-sized stove and lots of supplies, we are once again cooking and baking up a storm. Today's chilly weather made us think about vegetable soup and homemade bread. So that's what's for dinner today! A little time in the kitchen can get my creative juices flowing, and well as my appetite salivating, so stay tuned and you might get some meal ideas.

I have always said that my freezer and pantry supplies could probably keep us eating for 3-4 months, we'll see. Heather has made two trips to the store for me so I might have overestimated how long we could live on our supplies. For sure we would be out of fresh stuff, but I think we could stay alive for quite some time on our stash of food stuffs.

I am a committed introvert so haven't really been struggling with the seclusion. Mike has done well with it as well, although I think he'd like to get out and see people. Who knows when we will once again feel safe hobnobbing with our fellowman? Soon we hope. We haven't seen the locals for several months, and there are a few people that need hugs and lots of news to catch up on. Hope we are all out and about soon. Until then we hope everyone stays healthy!


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