Retirement is on the Horizon!

I like to joke that my job is only a "temp job" since I have to be reelected every four years. Job security is hard to come by these days, and this job is no different except that I am guaranteed a four-year run between elections.

I began this job in 1992 working as a deputy for the county treasurer. I held that position for 6 1/2 years until that treasurer retired then ran for the position myself. I took office in January 1999 and have held the position for 19 years...and counting.

Time has gone so fast, and it sometimes boggles my mind that I have held this position for nearly 20 years. Including those years I served as deputy, this will amount to 26 1/2 years at the same job. That calculates out to be 40% of my life at this job. In contrast, we milked cows less than half that time and it seemed like a lifetime!

So this year I bravely stepped out and decided to retire at the end of this term. It wasn't an easy decision to arrive at. What about the finances? What will I do to stay busy? Am I really ready to step out of this job? I pondered these issues for over a year before I made the decision to retire. Then I sat on that decision for a year to be sure that I wasn't going to regret it. 

So, it's pretty much a done deal now. I will be retiring at the end of 2018! And then what..............?

Well after this past (and continuing!) winter, we are actually talking about heading south for a month or so next winter. There's so much we haven't seen, and Arizona is one of those places. Actually I was there about 50 years ago, but my memories are dim. Each morning this past winter, before I got out of bed I checked the outdoor temperature, which was not the best way to get motivated to crawl out! Then, just for curiosity sake I checked the weather in Phoenix, Arizona. They were usually 50-70 degrees warmer and had 1/3 the humidity. What's not to like about that? So, hopefully as soon as I leave my job and get a few details ironed out, we will be hooked on to our camper and headed south for warmer climes.

In recent months I have been helping Mike at the Wood Shop so I will probably spend some time there. The house needs a huge cleaning and purging and all the walls need to be repainted. Beyond that, I don't know.

I am basically tired of being on call and punching a time clock so I will probably be pretty choosy about any venture I take on, but for the right set of circumstances I could be persuaded to once again join the work force. So here's my bucket list of features in any job I take on:

1. I will not be anyone's problem solver...I've already done enough of that for a lifetime.

2. I will not work on anyone else's schedule, I want to call the shots on that one.

3. My future jobs will be flexible. If I've been out late on Thursday nights, I will not be required to work on Friday...or Saturday or Sunday!

4. Large paycheck.

Surely there's a position out there that will provide me with those benefits! Very little work, no hassle and a huge check! If you hear of anything, could you please let me know?


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