Sofa Saga

We have a policy at our house, we never buy new furniture and we never buy used appliances. The new appliance policy is just so we don't have to replace appliances so often by buying them half worn out. The no-new-furniture policy is a matter of economics.

We finally hauled off our old couch last spring. We picked it up at the local "trash to treasures" event a number of years ago. It was butt ugly but built to last, however we managed to wear it out after many years of use. Even after it broke, we propped it up with a 2x4  block for a couple of years. It was finally just time to get rid of it, so out it went!

So for several months we lived without a couch. I didn't realize how much I would miss a couch. I had a comfortable easy chair, but by the time I sat down and two dogs joined me in it, and I tried to juggle a drink and a book, none of us was comfortable.

One of my guilty pleasures is to lay on the couch. A couch, a good book, a blanket and a Sunday afternoon nap makes for a wonderful time. I was missing this.

At Thanksgiving when all the kids were home, we were short of seating space. We found people just wandering around looking for a place to sit and finally settling on a kitchen chair because that is all we had. At the point we realized we needed to have a couch.

Daughter-in-law Sarah, a dedicated bargain hunter, kept texting me pictures of sectional couches she found at Facebook yard sale posts. She finally found the one I thought would work. She and Michael went to look at it and picked it up and took it to their house to await a chance for us to pick it up.

It was mid-December when they went to pick it up, at the same time as the Custer State Park fires, and now our couch has a story to go with it. As they were driving home from Hot Springs where they picked up my new used couch, they heard that some areas near them were being evacuated. This rather alarmed them as the fire could easily spread to their area causing them to have to evacuate on short notice.

They made the decision to move their horses and calves to a friend's place a safer distance from the fires in case they had to leave in a hurry. So, they arrived home and quickly unloaded the 4 pieces of sectional couch into their basement. They then sent Natalie out to get the cushions out of the back seat of the pickup while they made some arrangements. What they forgot to tell Natalie is that they had put three cushion in the front of the trailer. 

They hurriedly loaded horses and calves into the trailer and headed out to the friend's place with them. Part way over Michael noticed that the critters were hanging to the back of the trailer making it hard to handle. He finally got out and went back to the trailer to check out the situation where he found three cushions from the couch in the front of the trailer! He got them out of harm's way and continued with the trip.

They promised me they would clean those three cushions, and they did. Sarah simply removed the covers and washed them in her machine. As it turns out, those are the three covers that look the best now. And it was good to know that I can just wash the covers in the machine if they get dirty...and they will!

So we drove up to see them and brought the couch home a week before Christmas. I find it hard to imagine what something will look like in a room, and I was shocked to see how much of my living room it occupied. In fact, we now call it the "couch room" rather than the living room. 

Even the dog wants in the picture! He likes the couch too.

It is big, but it is also comfy. It is deep and I have to sit with another cushion behind me in order to not sit like a child with my feet straight out. I have picked out some extra cushions for the couch that will not only make it easier to sit on but will also add a splash of color to a solid brown couch. 

I love to lay on it. It is almost more comfy than our bed, and I have a choice of where to lay. You could honestly sleep two adults or three kids on it! The only bad thing, which is also a good thing, is that it is very hard to get up off of it. It feels like someone is pulling you back on to it. This is a bad thing because it's hard but it's also a good thing because it's pretty much the only exercise I get, and it is exercise! 

When Taylor and Merrick stayed with us post Christmas, they insisted on sleeping on the new couch. Plenty of room for both kids and two dogs!

So, when people come to visit we can now sit a half dozen people on the couch easily...and a kid or two back in the deep corner. There's a lot less floor to dust. and it's big enough and hard enough to move that we will probably never clean more than once a year under or behind it. I was apprehensive at first but I have grown to enjoy my huge couch (in my small home). 


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