Welcome Back!!!

Welcome back! Things got a bit crazy in my world for a few weeks, plus I lost my inspiration in all the busyness of things, but I am glad that things are settling down and to be back with my readers.

Since I've been here, we had our annual McCoy Labor Day Family Reunion. It was a bit quieter this year as two families had other commitments and couldn't make it. But those of us who showed up had a good time. 

This year we planned another water-park trip, this time to Watiki in Rapid City. At the last minute, several of us changed our minds and instead went shopping. So no repeat of last year's near drowning debacle! We also took a wine-tasting tour of a couple of the wineries in the area. I discovered that I'm not much of a wine drinker! And I'm pretty sure that in 4 days I consumed 20,000 calories, but I enjoyed each one of them!

Then we arrived home to jump right into preparations for our Cowboy Fast Draw state and territorial shoot held September 15th through 17th in Valentine. Set up began on the 14th so we were in Valentine for 4 days hosting that event. It's a tremendous amount of work but very rewarding when people come up to tell us what a great time they had. We hosted over 80 shooters this year, our biggest year yet! 

When it comes to CFDA, I am not much of a shooter, nor do I really care that much about participating. But the friendships I have made along the way are so rewarding. These are people I never would have met if it wasn't for Fast Draw. And after spending four days together in a common endeavor, we are closer than ever. 

So now, we are home without a lot of stuff on our agenda, at least for a few months! And I hope to get settled back into blogging and sharing and communicating my questionable wisdom and wit or passing along a bit of inspiration to each of you. Hope to see you here a bit more regularly!


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