My Travel Bucket List

I've mentioned in previous blog posts that I love to travel, which is kind of an oxymoron since I'm also a homebody. Curiosity about this great land we live in trumps being a hermit most days.

I see on Facebook that many of you are traveling to far away and exotic places. I have looked at pictures from Europe, Alaska and Hawaii, all popular vacation destinations. Alaska isn't totally out of the question as it can be accessed via motor vehicle. But Hawaii and Europe are separated from the continental United States by very large and very deep bodies of water. And, yes, I know you all made it safely there and back, and for that I am very thankful, but no thanks! 

This continent we call home, more commonly known as North America, which is also connected to Central America and South America, will likely provide all the travel opportunities I can afford. I have seen only a small percentage of the awesome destinations in the United States, and it's obvious I will never live long enough nor have enough money to visit all of them. So I need to be selective about where we choose to travel. However, if we travel by car we will be able to see everything between here and there. 

First on the list is Yellowstone Park, if the earthquakes and lava pits don't put it off limits before we get there! I was there as a kid, but Mike has never seen it. And it's closer than most places and definitely worth the effort to visit. Along with that we will probably visit the Tetons and possibly Glacier Park. It mostly depends on how much time we have and what time of year we get away on this trip. We have decided this will be a camper trip, and we will camp out of the Park and make day trips to check out Old Faithful and all the other geological wonders of Yellowstone Park.

I am kind of a history buff and would love to visit Washington, DC, Philadelphia, New York City and Boston. We have talked about this and have agreed that this one might be better done on a bus tour since Mike isn't real crazy about city traffic. The tours are somewhat costly, but they are also pretty inclusive as far as hotels and meals and transportation. And we don't have to study the map (or pull up the GPS on our phones) and end up in a fight about where we are going. (This has been a sour moment on more than one trip!) Our tour guides will be able to take us to the best sites with no stress on our part. We'll see if we ever get to do this!

Another trip I would like to take is the New England Fall Colors tour, again another bus tour. We are accustomed to the Great Plains and the treeless landscapes, but we need to know there is another whole world out there where the trees turn brilliant shades of color every fall. And New England is historic, which would be an additional benefit of this destination. And since I have never seen an ocean, I am thinking this might happen on one of those trips East.

Heading west, I would love to see the redwood forests in California, walk along the beach by the Pacific Ocean, and head up the coast through Oregon and Washington. We were within an hour of Lake Tahoe on our trip to Nevada for the Cowboy Fast Draw world championship about four years ago, but we were on a tight schedule and we weren't doing the driving so we never made it there. I'm thinking we can drive this trip and stop to take in the sights that catch our eye.

So there you have it, my bucket list of travel destinations. Who knows if it will ever happen. Travel costs lots of money and takes lots of time. And somehow we seem anchored to these Nebraska prairies. But if we have to be somewhere, this is a good place to be. There's no place like home!


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