And the Chaos Continues...

From a Facebook post dated July 20, 2013...

There are a couple of indications that things have gotten out of control in this house. 1. An organization tip says I need to work from a list. I have looked high and low and can't find my "organizational" notebook. Just need to go to the store and buy one to get this project on the way so that maybe I can find it. 2. Need to can beans but need to clean the kitchen first. Every counter space and the sink are piled high. Need to clean out the dishwasher to clean off the cupboards. Dishwasher is full of clean canning jars that need to be sat on clean portion of counter which is loaded with dirty dishes that need to go in the dishwasher. So unloaded a place on the counter which shifted a bunch of junk to a pile in the living room. Now the living room is a mess! It's beginning to feel hopeless.

This is not actually my kitchen but there are some similarities!

This showed up in my Facebook memories a few days ago. I vaguely remember that day and how frustrated I felt. There were lots of comments below the post offering encouragement and empathizing with my plight. Seems we all have some organizational issues from time to time.

But there a a few reasons why, four years later, this would not happen to me.

1. There's no way I could lose my list (see previous blog post). We always get goodies at shoots and it seems that most times there is a note pad, or two or three, in the bag. We have note pads laying all over the house and there would be no possible way to mislay every one of them. And my organizational skills have apparently improved because, as a last resort, I have one clipped to a magnet on the fridge. I will be able to make a list!

2. We didn't plant a garden this year so I have no green beans to can...or anything else for that matter. Seems the last couple years the garden has been more trouble than it was worth. Stuff wouldn't come up, and then after replanting a couple times it came up sparsely. And no matter how poorly the garden produced, the weeds seemed to thrive, and we couldn't keep up with the weeding chores. So then we had to pick produce through the weeds. And then we are just gone so much through the summer that it was always neglected and overwhelming me. So this year's "garden" consists of three tomato plants (we planted four but one broke off in the wind) planted in lick tubs in the backyard...and I still can't remember to go out and water them. And mother nature isn't helping me a bit with the watering chores!

3. My dishwasher broke down early this year so it won't wash dishes. We use it as a glorified dish drainer, so it occasionally needs to be cleaned out, but Mike has appointed himself the official dishwasher cleaner-outer guy. And since it broke down, Mike has actually taken over his fair share (or maybe more) of the dish washing duties. I am perfectly content without the dishwasher but he apparently is not. Last week he looked up the information and got online and ordered repairs for it. Now he is checking daily to see if they have arrived or not. Note: Since writing this the repairs have arrived and the dishwasher is back in commission...and Mike is still diligently cleaning it out!

So I wish I could say this wouldn't happen because I have finally gotten my act together and run an efficient household, but sadly this is not the case. Things still pile up and feel overwhelming. With household duties there is no way to get caught up and stay that way because as we continue to live we dirty up laundry and dishes, the mail accumulates on the end of the counter, and the dirt and dust bunnies seem to appear with no effort on our parts. We opt, instead, to just keep a path cleared to strategic places in the house so that we can eat, sleep and watch TV.

How is it that June Cleaver made it look so easy, even while wearing high heels and pearls?


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