I'm Back!

I would presume that anyone who has been trying to keep up with me through my blog has now written me off as dead. I see it has been three weeks since I last posted. Sorry, I promised myself I wouldn't let this lapse as I have!

In my last post you will remember that we were in the midst of an office remodel. I finally moved back into the office, then spent the rest of the week trying to find everything we had strung all through the courthouse. Then the tax rush hit, and I felt myself going down for the last time about a week ago. But we have finally ridden out the storm of taxes and we are back to business as usual.

The newly remodeled office of the Keya Paha County Treasurer

Then, right in the midst of all this chaos, my laptop fell ill and had to be hospitalized. So, no computer at home, no time for anything else at work....and typing an entire blog post on my cell phone just seemed like too much work--if it could even be done.  I didn't try it.

Then, just because life wasn't busy enough, we spent last weekend visiting Teri and family in Vermillion, South Dakota. This past weekend we visited April and family in Lakeside, Nebraska to help graduate a granddaughter from high school. And I won't bore you with the details, but the next two weekends are committed to being gone also.

Sometimes life just has a way of blind-siding you. I'm pretty sure it happens to all of us, and I wouldn't trade those times for anything because good things always come from them. My office is now beautifully remodeled. The money from all the taxes we collected is happily earning interest in the bank. We spent a lovely weekend cuddling grandkids at Teri's. And we spent an enjoyable time at April's celebrating a milestone for Stephanie. And while we were busy trying to keep up with life, late spring/early summer weather arrived!

So I am here to say that I am still here, and hopefully back in business. I have so many things I wanted to share with all of you and no way to do it. So stay tuned...I am back!


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