Happy Memorial Day!
Memorial Day weekend is once again upon us. Memorial Day was originally observed on May 30 each year. In 1971 it was changed to the 4th Monday in May to create a 3-day weekend out of it (to facilitate travel plans and so that it didn't break into the work week, I would presume). It was originally called Decoration Day but was officially changed to Memorial Day in 1967. It unofficially begins the summer season which ends with Labor Day in early September. Avenue of Flags at Mount Hope Cemetery The purpose of celebrating Memorial Day is to honor service men and women who gave their lives for their country. Our current culture has expanded this idea to include honoring all deceased family members by placing flowers on their graves. The cemeteries takes on a new look with all the flowers.. Locally there is a service hosted by the American Legion that honors those who gave their lives in service to their country. The Avenue of Flags displays flags that were donated in honor of t...