Welcome to my world

I have to say right up front that blogging is kind of a new thing for me.  I have followed a few, at least for a time, and have found them very enjoyable.  And writing is kind of like my therapy…and much cheaper than a therapist!

So who am I?  I have to say that’s something I am still trying to figure out after all these years!  It seems that I have recreated myself approximately every 20 year all my life, and it’s getting time for a new me.

I have discovered that I am something of an oxymoron (some people would just call me a moron!).  I am talented in some ways and inept in others.  I am an introvert but can be chatty with people I feel comfortable with.  I have old-fashioned principles but also enjoy the modern age of computers, tablets and smart phones.  I am usually eager to embrace a new technology but then complain because the technology is leaving me in the dust.

The written word is definitely my favorite way of communicating because nothing is said until it can be reread and rewritten to sound exactly the right way.  I enjoy having my say in this way because I am not the fastest tongue around and many times don’t get to contribute to the conversation as much as I would like, so here I have the floor and no one can interrupt.

So, who am I?  I am Sandi (my parents named me Sandra and my mother still calls me this, but the rest of the world knows me as Sandi…or Mom or Grandma or some husbandly term of endearment).  We live in a very small rural Nebraska town, which is a blog topic all its own, where it is peaceful and quiet.  I am still working the 8-5 but am looking forward to leaving behind the professional work world and striking out in more creative endeavors sometime in the next few years.
June 16, 1972 when we began our journey together

I have a wonderful husband, Mike, who has been my partner in crime for 44 years…and counting!  We have four children who are happily married and have given us 14 of the most wonderful grandchildren ever.  And our oldest grandson has now cloned himself and given us our first great grandchild, Maverick.  We enjoy our family and their activities very much so, no matter what’s happening in life, they are always our first priority.

Mike and I love to travel and are only limited by time and money!  We hope to eventually have more of both and will spend time exploring this wonderful land we live in.  We have taken several trips that we have documented with many pictures, and I would like to share some of those trips with others who might be encouraged to also break out of their routines (sometimes called ruts) and do a little adventuring.

I am also very interested in genealogy and history which I will share from time to time.  In addition to these hobbies, I also enjoy crocheting, knitting, reading, scrapbooking (although you can’t tell that from the piles of pictures lying around), and gardening.  Mike’s grandmother always told me that people will not develop hobbies in their older years so even if you don’t have time for a hobby right now, you need to develop a love for it so you will have a hobby or, in my case, hobbies to keep you busy in your older years. 

So, there you have it, in a nutshell.  I will be back once or twice a week to share some facet of my life with you.  It might be a travel blog, it might be a local event, or it could just be some family moments.  I have a quart bag full of thumb drives that are full of pictures to share.  So in closing I have one more favorite picture to share…me and my honey!

I don't think we've aged too badly



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