Just Catching Up!

Long time...no see! I have a rare night at home alone and thought I would just check in with y'all. I've missed being here! We arrived home from our winter trip to Arizona in mid-April and hit the ground running. Summer has come and, for all practical purposes, it is over. There are actually two kinds of seasons, calendar seasons and emotional seasons. Technically fall begins somewhere around the 23rd of September, but in my mind, even though we haven't had kids in school for nearly 20 years, fall begins the first day of school, this year on August 10th! So we are about 3 weeks into fall in my mind. What did we do with the summer? I have asked myself this same question several times lately, and always have to think about it. It has gone by in a blur! The thing I have probably done the most of is taking care of my garden. I ventured out and asked my brother to till up some ground to add to my garden, so in addition to the raised garden beds, I had a pretty good size chunk o...