Summer 2022 is in the Books
Poof! Just like that I've turned around and it is October! The summer, and now the fall, have flown by so fast that it's making my head swim. Just today I switched the kitchen calendar from August to October! Running a bit behind, I know! The red maple in the front yard is now in brilliant fall color, which means about next week it will probably be bare. Seems those leaves don't stay on long after they turn red. But for today we are enjoying it. So what have we been up to? Well, after the Yellowstone Anniversary Trip we had planned to just settle down for the rest of the summer and enjoy an easy and laid-back lifestyle. Like that ever happens! At the end of July, we hosted Mike's sibling reunion at our house. After Mike's mother passed away, the kids seemed to sense that it was going to be harder to stay in touch, so they have made a concerted effort to get together once a year. We don't necessarily invite all the nieces and nephews, but we sure don't turn...