And the Renovations Continue...

Let's take a vote...who doesn't absolutely love watching reality TV shows, Rehab Addict and Fixer Upper? I love both of those shows and the way they take a fixer upper and make it into a home of beauty and comfort. Both those shows get me inspired to make some changes and give me ideas for future renovations. Now there are some things you have to know before you get involved though. 1. Renovations cost money. Both these shows address finances to some degree but it's always their pain and not my personal expenses so I'm always game for doing whatever looks good regardless of the cost. I feel the pain a little more personally when it's my checkbook that is groaning. 2. On both these programs, the house is not being lived in while the renovations are being made. And living around a remodeling mess is more trying than you can imagine. 3. Each program only lasts an hour (including advertisements) and the project goes pretty fast, and the carpenters are in and...